PATCH bamboo strips are the most natural approach to wound care. Why are we different? We've made them with non-toxic organic bamboo fibre, (which is one of the fastest growing, renewable resources on the planet) and added the natural goodness of coconut oil, aloe vera and activated charcoal.
Not only is it super soft and breathable, it’s also one of the most sustainable materials to produce, which we think is pretty neat. Organic bamboo fibre contains a range of compounds that provide antioxidant, skin-soothing and astringent properties and relief.
Coconut oil works at reducing inflammation and keeping the skin moisturised to help regenerate new skin cells. It is 100% safe and effective with no known side effects or toxicity. Research has found that coconut oil has a myriad of natural healing benefits for the skin, including antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
If you’re like us, and have all had one of those painful blisters on our feet or burns on our hand that is super slow to heal, then Aloe is your new best friend. Aloe Vera has been used for thousands of years to treat wounds, burns and other skin conditions. Clinical research suggests topical application of aloe may speed burn healing and may control inflammation responses and reduce pain due to the increase in cellular movement.
Charcoal is basically natures version of a juice cleanse. We use activated bamboo charcoal, which is known to absorb toxins, taking them up through the permeable skin layers. This means it's perfect for use on bites and splinters! Once impurities are removed, the skin's healing process starts.
PATCH has been engineered to be the most sensitive wound care alternative on the market, appealing to all skin types both young and old.
Say goodbye to any red marks from your typical plasters!
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